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Blog / 17 Apr 2020

(Video) Rajya Sabha TV (RSTV) The Big Picture: Way Forward for Manufacturing Sector


(Video) Rajya Sabha TV (RSTV) The Big Picture: Way Forward for Manufacturing Sector

Topic: Way Forward for Manufacturing Sector


  • Aruna Sharma, (Former Secretary, Ministry of Steel)
  • Subhomoy Bhattacharjee, (Consulting Editor, Business Standard)
  • Sanjay Aggarwal, (Senior Vice President, PHD Chamber of Commerce & Industry)

Topic Description:

The government has taken steps to ease conditions for the manufacturing sector to resume operations. The steps include allowing industries outside limits of municipalities and municipal corporations to start operations, freeing up transportation of goods and setting guidelines for the movement and stay of labour. This could help companies to re-start operations. Companies who had cut production, can now plan to bring back operations to normal levels.

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Courtesy: RSTV